
Emerging Cybersecurity Trends and Best Practices for In-House Counsel

As ransomware attacks continue to rise, in-house counsel must remain vigilant, staying up to date with the latest trends and implementing best practices to safeguard their organizations. The recent webinar, “Navigating Ransomware Incidents for In-House Counsel,” brought together experts to discuss how companies can effectively prepare for and respond to cyber threats.


The Boldness of Modern Threat Actors

Ransomware attackers are becoming increasingly bold, often maintaining unauthorized access to systems for extended periods before executing their demands. This growing persistence highlights the need for continuous network surveillance and advanced monitoring tools to detect intrusions early, minimizing the damage caused.


A New Normal: Ransomware and Cybersecurity Posture

While ransomware remains a significant threat, a shift is occurring. Companies are improving their cybersecurity measures, with a recent trend showing that ransom payments have decreased as more organizations prioritize strong backups and proactive defense strategies. However, these advancements do not eliminate the threat, so maintaining a vigilant and adaptable security posture is essential.


Strategic Crisis Communications

Managing a ransomware incident goes beyond technical response—it’s about controlling the narrative. Organizations must be prepared to handle media attention and external reporting. Developing crisis communication strategies and conducting media training in advance helps manage public perception and preserve stakeholder trust during an incident.


Secure Communication Channels

During a cyber attack, traditional business emails can be compromised. To safeguard sensitive information, it’s crucial to establish secure, out-of-band communication channels that ensure confidential decision-making during the incident. This proactive measure prevents threat actors from gaining further leverage and ensures a smoother response process.


The Role of Empathy and Transparency

When addressing a ransomware crisis, transparent and empathetic communication is critical. Sharing relevant information in a measured way helps maintain trust with employees, customers, and stakeholders. By balancing transparency with empathy, organizations can demonstrate leadership and uphold their values throughout the crisis.


The cases of ransomware threats are evolving rapidly, but by staying informed and adopting best practices, in-house counsel can effectively navigate these challenges. Preparedness, strong communication, and secure response measures are key to minimizing the impact of ransomware incidents and protecting the organization’s long-term interests.


Missed The Webinar? You can watch it now via IHC On-Demand!

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