2023 In-House Connect Outside Counsel Survey Results

In-House Connect’s comprehensive survey of in-house counsel focuses on what in-house lawyers seek and value in their relationships with outside counsel. 


In a competitive and crowded legal market, understanding the needs and wants of in-house counsel has never been more important to law firms to retain and attract client work.


We explore the factors influencing their choice and retention of law firms and individual attorneys, shedding light on the practices that resonate most with these legal professionals.


Our findings also highlight the areas where law firms excel and where there is room for improvement. 

The report provides an in-depth look at the marketing approaches that in-house counsel find most effective and appealing. 


The report serves as a resource for outside counsel and the marketers who support them to understand what general counsel are looking for, and how law firms can implement strategies to become more effective legal service providers.


This report aims to guide law firms in aligning their strategies with the needs and expectations of their in-house counterparts, fostering stronger, more effective professional relationships.


The survey explores:


  • What in-house counsel value most from their outside counsel
  • What is most important to in-house counsel when hiring outside counsel
  • What types of law firm marketing strategies resonates most with in-house counsel, and 
  • How to stand out from other law firms

Download The Survey Results!

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