Tim Donaghy

As the Chief Technology Officer and Security Officer at Contract Logix, LLC, I lead the product and technology teams to deliver innovative and secure solutions for contract lifecycle management (CLM). With over 20+ years of experience in this role, I have a unique blend of technical, sales, security, and product marketing expertise, as well as a deep understanding of the SaaS and cloud-based business models.

I am passionate about providing the strategic vision and leadership required to grow and manage the organization with diverse customer bases. I excel at capitalizing on business relationships and negotiating successful strategic partnerships. I am a collaborative communicator who establishes productive relationships and builds strong, motivated teams. I am a coach and mentor who fosters a people-first culture and organizational design.


Olivia Robinson

Senior Paralegal, Legal Operations, Customer Success and Contracts Manager- specializing in corporate healthcare, medical devices, insurance risk analysis, contracts, general litigation, and commercial real estate.


CLM Mastery for In-House Legal Departments: 3 Steps for Setting the Proper Foundation for Contract Lifecycle Management


Event Description

Despite the growing adoption of contract lifecycle management software, more than 50% of implementations fail within the first year.


Why? Organizations often try to do too much, too soon, getting distracted by bells and whistles and neglecting to do the foundational work: mitigating risk and ensuring compliance.


Join us on Thursday, September 12th at 12 pm ET / 9 am PT as Tim Donaghy (CTO, Contract Logix), and legal tech super-user and seasoned CLM implementer Olivia Robinson (Customer Success Manager, Contract Logix), share three foundational steps to establish a successful CLM program:

  1. Capture your contract data in a centralized place
  2. Activate the data with automated alerts and standardized workflows
  3. Analyze and advance contract performance with actionable KPIs

While AI holds tremendous potential, starting with the basics is crucial to achieving tangible ROI, including time savings, risk mitigation, and complete visibility.


Who should attend:

All professionals involved in contract management and legal operations who want to establish a successful CLM program that enhances oversight and performance tracking.


There is NO COST to attend this program!

This program is FREE, thanks to our gracious sponsor, Contract Logix – Make Your Contracts Work For You! If you can’t attend the live program, the FREE recording will be available via the In-House Connect Hub!

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